[quote="SSWUPinSA"]Well, I managed to squeeze in a few minutes and made one of the grade crossing mock ups, made from card stock, I can use these as a templates for the Styrene ones I'll make once the track is down permanently... Going to either use Kurts method of fine grit sand paper of the spray on texture with spray painted Rustoleum Gray Primer as Lance uses in his new book "How to Build Shelf Layout" which is a must read! I realise the road is far too dark to be realistic but will sort that out with the real thing... At least now it doesn't feel like I'm on the road to nowhere... Misngth


Just a quick observation. You mentioned about about using your cardstock buildings as templates for the sheet plastic structures. You may want to make sure that your loading dock doors are roughly at the same height as the doors on you rolling stock since your card stock mockups have the doors at ground height. I am cutting my dock doors about 1/2" above the edge of the sheet to get the desired height with Peco Code 83 flextrack. I am not using cork base since most all of the layout consists of unmaintained secondary tracks. As a result, the track is simply glued to the paint foamboard.

[Image: IMG_0003-3.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0018-1.jpg]

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