Black Bear Arch Bridge
Thanks,Greg. And btw, nice job on your latest article.

I realized that I don't have any rubber cement. :o You'd think that somewhere in all my modeling shopping and craft store visits I'd have picked some up, but no. My wife may have some in her craft things...I'll have to ask her later. It'd be easier to ask than to go digging. Even though she is WAY more organized than I am, her craft/scrapbooking/sewing items are still in flux. Oh, give her an a free afternoon without too many other chores and a pair of attention-grabbing kiddos and it would all be stashed away neat as you please. I may manage to get my needle files put away in the same amount of time.

Anyway, the rubber cement will be for holding the side frames in position securely while I glue the crossbraces in place.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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