whats the best way to do scenery
My "eighteen cents" ? ( inflation )
Track work is on sub-roadbed, open grid. Scenery is Expanded aluminum "Gutter Screen" ( keeps the stuff out of rain gutters), with one layer of plaster cloth, and one-two layers of plaster brushed on.
The beauty of the "Gutter Screen" is, it is light weight, semi rigid ( will support the wet plaster well ), and can be formed by stretching, or compacting the "open Areas", attached with staples, screws, nails, or....I've had some success with "Siliconized Acrylic Caulk".
Buildings can have a 1/4" plywood "base", on risers, like the track sub-roadbed, to which the building can be secured if desired.
There's one picture of this in this thread:
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