Black Bear Arch Bridge
Thanks, Tetters! I have since completed the installation of the knee braces, stringers, and have done stain touch-up work on the cut ends. Today I will install the remaining nbw's and color them, add ties, as well as perhaps add a black wash.

Tonight is my local clinic, and I'll bring the bridge to the 'bring n brag' table for viewing, along with the jig and cutting template.

I found one 'flaw' in the kit but it was easily remedied. Cutting the knee braces using the chopper template as provided results in a knee brace that, to my eye, was too steep. Using my square and the angle braces that come with the NWSL chopper (30 deg and 60 deg), I drew my own template. This produced a knee brace I was happy with. The other obscured the nbw detail and didn't seem to reach out far enough onto the bottom cross braces.

I'll post pictures later today.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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