CPR Engine House
Things are slow going, but I'm still making some steady progress. I'm glad I didn't jump right into painting as there are / were a number of final details that I needed to address or built before I start into it. I don't want to do all the prep and paint work and have to go back and add details.

This weekend I finished off the roof supports beams and assembled them into one piece. The missing post to the left in the foreground is deliberate. It would exist off layout and was left out on purpose. I've also decided to make the roof one piece. I'll have to fabricate some pieces to join the two halves while still making it removable for maintenance reasons. Shouldn't be too difficult, just need to be careful.


I added the blocking for the roof rafters after this photo was taken. The final thing to be completed is to cut and fit the rafters to support the roof and then... then, I can begin to add some colour.

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