Black Bear Arch Bridge
I'm feeling a little better today, thank you, but only a little. Still need to get well. No fever so it's likely not strep, so it's just time to make the symptoms go away and forge ahead with work, life and the rest of it.

So here's the 'final' picture of the bridge prior to installation.


I spaced 8' ties with 6" gaps down the length of the stringers. The nbw's were touched with a tiny brush loaded with a dark graphite color, only slightly darker than the castings. The entire bridge got a heavy wash of dark burnt umber to kill the wood shine and unify the color a bit more. Then I ever so lightly dry brushed a sandstone color on the corners and edges to highlight some of the details. I probably wouldn't do that if it were in the close foreground but since it'll be up next to the backdrop I thought it could use a little kick to bring out the detail.

Here is a creek like the one this bridge will cross. This one is near Glen Alton in SW Virginia.


I am looking forward to getting the backdrop in place soon, along with the next section of benchwork to support this bridge.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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