Work Around the House.
Re: rain barrels and storm sewers.

Having worked for the water division in the City of Ottawa, I know that we have a huge problem with:

1) Supplying enough water in the summer for all those outdoor activities
2) Combined sewer overflow.

While the point about saving only "a barrel's worth" is accurate in terms of #1, disconnecting the rainwater from the sewers is especially important where you have combined sewers. Combined sewers are very common, having been constructed far and wide in many cities. Basically, the sewage flows inside a channel in the pipe. Small amounts of rain stay in another channel in the same pipe. But when there's a big rainfall, the rainwater fills the entire pipe, flushing the raw sewage into the river or lake.

Since rainwater is relatively clean, it is better to let it soak into the ground, or at least be handled by a storm sewer that does not overlap with the sanitary (sewage) sewer. That's most likely the reason to disconnect the downspouts from the sewer.


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