Passenger train w/250 pax stops in burning snow shed
torikoos Wrote:PS: Did I understand that passengers are critisizing the NSB for some reason, what is it that they're moaning about, even though their lives were just saved by an alert train driver?

The train driver did everything correct and by the book, according to several news articles, and he has been referred to as a geuine hero. The complaints mostly have to do with the lack of information from NSB to the passengers, and the fact that they were stranded high up in the mountains (Hallingsskeid station is located 1110 meters above sea level) for three hours before they were transported out. We Norwegians are a strange people, we like to bitch about almost everything, kinda sad really. Not like the older lady at the end of the video, she was cool: -Everbody is alive, we were up there for only a couple of hours, and we were served chocolate bisquits and coffee by a nice tourist hostess, so things couldn't have been better concidering what just happened. Now that's a positive attitude! Big Grin


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