Alternative to the NMRA Master Model Railroader?
Quote:The year "September never ended"
- interesting! Another benefit of the net - international correspondance, but sharing new perspectives and raising the bar on modeling.

Quote:Even if you succeed in setting up an alternative MMR program, you will run into the same objections:
• It’s a hobby, I don’t want to have my craftsmanship judged by others.
• I don’t like the people doing the judging, or I don’t like the criteria they used to judge.
• I don’t think the right skill sets are being emphasized by the structure.

Yep. All of these came up gradually in the first page of this very thread, interestingly enough. Good thoughts, Fred.

Maybe this is boiling down to the general concept of how the internet affects acheivement programs?

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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