First Ops Session on the AT&G
Thanks to everyone for all the compliments.

Charlie, Brakie, docWayne, thanks for the thoughts on terminology.

S-2-fiddy, thank you.

Ralph, the young man without glasses is Aaron, a.k.a. AC87 here at Big Blue. Both him and his brother are college students, and very enthusiastic about the hobby. I became acquainted with Aaron when he posted in the "BNSF Team Track" thread. They live about 1/2 hour away from me.

Mister Nutbar: Aaron and Nathan are of average height, I'm guessing around 5'-9". I asked how they liked the layout height, and they said it gives a nice realistic view of the trains. With me being 6'-4", I get a little more of a view from above.

E-Paw: We did have fun. I admit it was gratifying to see someone besides myself enjoying the layout. Was also nice to see the operational aspects coming together.

Gus, a few weeks ago, I bought 6 sheets of Masonite for the fascia. Will cut them into 11" wide strips - don't know how soon though, as there is so much that needs to be done! The switchlist was put together in Microsoft Word, making use of the "TABLE" functions. Interesting comments on layout height.... I think you are right, someone who has been in the hobby a long time has probably grown used to a lower layout. With the trend toward higher layouts, someone relatively new like me would go that direction.

Thanks Bruce. At times, the massive amount of work that needs to be done seems overwhelming.

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