Ideas for a future college layout
Justin, when choosing the era that you want to model, one thing to consider is the equipment used. A 40 foot box car is 6.5 inches long, a 2 bay hopper or covered hopper is 5 inches long, a 50 foot box car and a cylindrical covered hopper are 8 inches long. This affects how your layout functions in relation to your capacities. You have to figure that no more than 50% of your track capacities should be used.

With that in mind, I have two layout designs that could fold under your bed with room to spare. The first one is a 56x38 inch loop that folds in half (28x38 inches) while the second one is 81x12 inches and folds into 3 27x12 sections.

[Image: 5915188033_c16f79aed8_b.jpg]

[Image: 5954499819_0c1a51e2b9_b.jpg]
Mike Kieran
Port Able Lines

" If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be " - Yogi Berra.

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