Here are a couple of photos I took of my ISL showing the structure mock ups I threw together to test things out. For reference, here is the track plan as it is currently laid out:     First photo, we're looking at the west end of Superior Meats and Durkee Foods and across the lead is Munson's Chocolates.
    Next photo, we're looking at the east end of those industries. The Co-Op truck is where a road crossing will be located.     Last photo, we're looking at the Midwest Distribution Warehouse and the Lowes Lumber spur opposite that. L&N 5030, an MP15dc has just placed a bulkhead flat of lumber for Lowes and is getting ready to switch the warehouse. Usually, we have an L&N bay window cab with our train, but we had a conductor off the extra board tonight who declared "We don't need no stinking cab!", and made the flagman ride the end of the train. At least he could ride on the end of the bulkhead flat and thank goodness, it didn't rain.     The mock ups where made from some inexpensive foam board and really help to get a feel for how this plan will work out. Would have painted them some interesting color, but the only spray paint on hand was some primer gray, so I just left them as is. As you can tell, I didn't spend much time detailing the mock ups, but just wanted to get the basic shape and size for testing purposes.

I'm having a good time making the mock ups and operating the layout and at this point am fairly satisfied with things. Two of us operated the layout this evening and it took an hour and ten minutes to finish our work. Having a conductor off the extra board who's not familiar with the industrial spur usually adds about 15 minutes to a typical operating session.
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"

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