The Hjemstad Line
Fortunately, here in Norway we are lucky enough to not have to worry much about earthquakes. The strongest quake registered on the Norwegian mainland occured on October 23 1904, and measured 5.4. The strongest one ever registered on Norwegian territory is a 6.2 quake in February 2008, out to sea about 100 miles southeast of Longyearbyen on Svalbard.

Still, I appreciate your concern.The house was built in 1955, and I don't know how the building codes were back then, but I suspect there are rebar in the walls. I haven't quite figured out how to work arond these yet, but if hit any bars I can't cut through, It's probably enough if I adjust the plan a couple of cm's.

Pete, that's funny! Icon_lol

I've actually been wondering if I should continue working on my existing sections for a while now. There's still much to be done before they are (somewhat) completed, and then I'll have a small ISL to operate while planning the new layout.


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