Rooftop details
With the height of most of our layouts being below chest level the top of structures are very visible. I seen plenty of beautifully detailed buildings with blank roofs Nope My theory is that because the rooftops of most buildings are not always easy to be seen in person those details are just forgotten about. Some map programs allow you to view the top of structures, but the resolution is not always the best. My job as an electrician puts me on rooftops quite often so I'm starting this thread to showcase pictures of various details found on the roofs of residential and commercial buildings, to stir your creative thinking and include some of these things in your projects. I will add more pics as I come across things of interest to modelers, and feel free to add your own pics along with mine.

[Image: 20110729104948.jpg] A common sight on most residential buildings are air conditioner condensers. Although this condo building does not have it, today's code require that a GFI receptacle and work light be located within 50 feet of the AC units. To keep the inspectors happy, you can include it on your models. In this pic you can also see A rotating vent stack. This is a common feature in structures built in the last 60 years or so

[Image: 20110729105025.jpg]Satilate dishes and T.V. antennas are still a part of the roof top land scape.

[Image: 20110729104959.jpg] [Image: 20110729105103.jpg]Roof access hatches are also a necessary feature often overlooked by modelers here is one in the open and closed position.

[Image: 20110729105130.jpg]Here is an overview of the same roof as the rest of the pics . You can see puddles, pipes, hatches, A.C. units, Garbage, dishes, and wires. Plenty of stuff to add interest you a model.
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