Rooftop details
Excellent thread idea e-paw.

One thing that I noted in your photos that you didnt mention was that your first photos show a tar roof that has since been spray painted a white colour. Now I suspect that this is the same material we have had sprayed on many of the roof areas of the school I work at. It is a special paint which has high value insulating properties and can be sprayed on many different surfaces.

Another area of roof detail that should also be attended to is Worksafe Compliant Roof Access and Fall Restraint Systems.
By this I mean guardrails and roof walkways [metal grating] as well as safety harness attatchment points and cable runs.
We are still in the process of having these all installed around the numerous school buildings, some of which are covered by Heritage Overlays, which can make things tricky.

Also if you happen to model any multi storey office blocks then you will need to provide details of the structures used by the swing stage scaffold systems used for cleaning and maintaining the exterior of the building. If you have concrete silos for your cement plant or for your grain silos, you could also model a swing stage scaffold being used to provide access to repair crews.

One more item that is now making its appearance on building roofs is 'Green Power' generating equipment in the shape of solar panels for water heating or electricity generation as well wind turbines of various shapes and configurations.
I will have to consider modelling these items for the Hodgson Mill plant on the Effingham Railroad. Hodgson Mill also has a segment of their website devoted to their 'Green Power' generating systems if you would like to learn more.

Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More

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