The Los Angeles Terminal Railroad
Looking at those mock ups Kurt, sort of reminded me of the most recent article on David Barrow's Cat Mountain and Santa Fe, domino style layout whereby he had simplified the buildings down to mock ups with only details relating to unloading doors or platforms. It may just have been that he was at a similar stage as you are at present, but could also be said that he is only modelling things that are only relevant to rail operations. Tony Koester discussed modelling the right of way in as little space as 9 inches, but I am wondering if David has reduced his modelling width to 1 inch either side of the right of way with mock ups to fill out the rest of the width of his dominos. Then again David's Cat Mountain layout is filling a much larger area, so the technique maybe his way of representing relevant details until he can return to fully detail the area.

I must add though that your recent trackwork has some very sexy reverse curves to it. Watching a train snake its way through the urban jungle is going to be an eye opener.

Mark,That would be one way of getting by with mock ups for operation.


One could use the better building flats and accomplish the same goal.

Maybe I ought to start a topic on building flats?

Summerset Ry

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