EFfingham RailRoad
Ed any and all photos would be appreciated.

Not just of the rail related stuff but also photos of the buildings. I am particularly interested in the views through the trees across the CN/CSX interchange track and photos of the radio tower nearby. I figure the radio tower will have to be painted into the backdrop because it is a visible landmark in the area.
There are also one or two concete or steel water towers nearby with Effingham Business Park [I think] written on it, which with a little geographic licence could be relocated to within EFRR grounds.
Also there is the Effingham Giant cross nearby, which just so happens to be down the road opposite Pike Avenue, so some photos of it to give some impression of just how big it seems from ground level would be good.

Naturally, common sense and personal safety have priority above all.


On the subject of gas prices, petrol in Melbourne today was going for @ $ 1.40 per litre, diesel $ 1.30 per litre and LPG $ 0.55 cents per litre.

1 US gallon = 3.7853 litres x $ 1.40 = $ 5.29 per US gallon
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