The Hjemstad Line
OK, now I think maybe we're getting somewhere. I've been working on the track plan for so long now, and still haven't come up with a complete plan that looks good to me, but I'm quite satisfied with the peninsula terminus:

[Image: Hjemstad_line_terminus_w1200.jpg]

I have tried to replicate the prototype trackplan of Tinnoset station, which is one of the two stations here in Norway with a railway ferry connection. The plan is mirrored and a little simplified (the prototype has a couple of stub ended tracks, and a crossover just before the freight house), but the overall impression should still be there. Also, since the prototype was built as an electrified line, there never was a turntable at Tinnoset, and I've added a short stub ended track with a little engine shed.

Here's a link to a satellite photo of the station, with most of the tracks clearly visible:

I'm going to use the NSB Skd204 as a switcher on this station, and have ordered a brass kit of this little critter:

This will be my first brass kit ever, and I'm really exited, but also a little anxious, wondering if I'll be able to pull it off...


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