A sad day in Oslo
Thank you for the expression of sympathy.

No dungeons, but the perp is locked up in a prison built before WW2, in a small cell which has one bed, one chair, one table, one toilet and one sink, and he is kept there, isolated from contact with everybody else bit hus lawyer, the prison pastor, the wardens and the policemen who interogate him. Someone will be opening the hatch in his door every 10 minutes around the clock, to make sure he does not get a chance to take the easy way out before the trial.

This prison has relatively little in common with our most modern prisons, where we keep low-risk prisoners who have almost served out their terms, who are being readied for rehabilitation to society.

The perp is very likely to get 21 years of prison for murder, followed by "preventive detention" which then will be renewed every five years for the remainder of his life - I suspect that it will prove extremely difficult to find any judge in this country who will be willing to vouch for this person no longer being a threat to society after 21+ years in prison - this was not something done in a fit of passion or during a short bout of temporary insanity, but something planned for a long time - over a period of years of devious preparations, and ruthlessly carried out, one murder at a time.

Our strongest rejection of him and everything he stood for will come in about 3 1/2 weeks, when we will be conducting local/regional elections all over the country, as we do every 4 years. Turnout is expected to be high - and likely higher than normal. In two years, we will be running our national elections, which we also do every 4 years. This country will continue to be ruled by ballots, not bullets.


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