Nice L-shaped switching plan - Robert Beaty
lajry Wrote:Stein read my revised post as couldn't post my drawing.

Sorry - I still don't see why it would be an improvement. You are talking about the crossover that goes across the road down there (the grey rectangle), right?

As it is set up now, a train arriving on the main can pull into the siding/yard lead (if I make it a couple of cars shorter), or leave some cars and pull the rest clockwise and the back it into the yard. Or pull leave some cars on the main curve, and then go back via the siding/yard lead to get cars. To switch the industries along the aisle on the right, one can use either part of the yard or part of the main as a switching lead.

If you reverse the crossover, what do you gain? You get a shorter runaround, which is not good. You will have to do movements into industries along the aisle on the right by pulling into a yard track, and then backing up - which cuts yard capacity. You do gain the ability to hold a slightly longer train on the main below the crossover while using the runaround, but that is of limited utility, since a train only will be occupying the main at the start and at the end of an operating session.

What is it that I am not seeing here?


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