Has anyone got advice on the foam incline sets
I've used them extensively. They work very well. Sometimes it is necessary to add a little bit more taper to the beginning of the grade and a little bit of sanding to smooth out the end of the grade. Don't hot glue them. 35 I use them for N scale and they are just wide enough to support a double mainline. I've also used them inside of a coffee table and gotten them to a radius as small as 8". My method is to lay down the foam, glue the inclines to the foam, glue the cork to the inclines (all with Elmers mind you), plastercloth right up to the edge of the cork and away you go.
Here's an older shot, but you can see where I've used them all over the place...
[Image: image.php?album_id=6&image_id=468]

and an overhead. Towards the bottom, you can see how I customized it to fit as I ran out of room with another track coming in...
[Image: image.php?album_id=6&image_id=469]

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