As Kevin notes, you can use other letters to make the ones you need, depending, of course, on the font style.
"A"s and "V"s are often interchangeable, "B"s, "P"s, and "R"s can be used, with parts of other letters, interchangeably, as can "I"s, "L"s, "T"s, "E"s, and "F"s. For numerals, "3" and "8", and "6" and "9" are about the only ones.

With free-lanced roads ELORA GORGE & EASTERN and GRAND VALLEY, I quickly learned that "G"s can be made from "C"s, "O"s, and "Q"s but that ampersands (&) are both scarce and difficult to cobble together from other letters. That's why most of my freight cars are lettered like this:
[Image: Foe-toesfromfirstcd014.jpg]

[Image: Freightcarphotosandlayoutviews116.jpg]

[Image: Freightcarphotosandlayoutviews117.jpg]

[Image: Morephotos001.jpg]

Only a handful of cars received ampersands, and these reefers may be the only ones still lettered in that manner:
[Image: Foe-toesfromTrainPhotos2007third-31.jpg]


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