Name that Layout
My favorite in all of those, we're the properly colored dumpsters - 1 for garbage and 1 for recycle. Good find on those. The overhang on the steamer doesn't look that bad at all. Some criticism just 'cause I know you can handle it... your parking lots and roads are..... too clean! They need to be dirtied up. You are putting a level of detail into your layout that is incredible yet your streets and parking lots have no cracks, or loose gravel, skid marks, oil spots, potholes... etc. etc. etc. Perhaps I'm jumping the gun a bit and those are soon to come? The little dirt road is very well done... the packed dirt where the vehicles travel, tire tracks, turn around marks, and even where the vehicles leave the dirt to travel onto the concrete/pavement(?)... they have tracked the dirt out onto the clean roads! Nice details!

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