Passenger locomotives
I own three passenger engines - unfortunately I do not own trains for all engines.

[Image: 15_southern-f1_k.jpg]

This Southern F-1 is a PFM model is my most loved passenger model. It has got a fine custom made painting done by a friend and it runs very, very fine with a new motor and a few gear improvements.

[Image: 13_frisco-american_k.jpg]

My FRISCO 182-187 class American was imported by Halmark and it has got a new motor and an extensive superdetailing, so I think that this will be my finest passenegr engine model. It need a coloring and digitalizing as all my other locos also.

[Image: 05_sp-atlantic-daylight_k.jpg]

The SP A-6 in daylight color is a nice model from Westside - however here I own an older ConCor Daylight train that now is a relict after producing the fine models of MTH. Should I buy a few of these cars? My problem is that I do not own a layout and the cars would be stored in boxes the most time of their life.

What I would like to get is a V&T 4-6-0 loco for my passenger cars of the future V&T train. And there I have seen a model of V&T #26 selling for a extremely expansive price on Ebay however that was the model what I would like to get.
I hope for winning in a lottery!
Cheers, Bernd

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