Southern Pacific Switching Layout
Brakie Wrote:1) If you go curve - car length straight - curve in the opposite direction, it is not an S-curve.
I have been mystified for years why a there is even a concern about a "S" curve in a slow speed switching area. :?: Its not like its a high speed mainline. Icon_lol

I've been using them for years with no problems. Thumbsup

Certainly. Going through a crossover from one track to the next is also in principle an S-curve. It might not be the greatest idea to shove a long string of passenger train (or 89' freight cars) through a crossover made up of two #4 turnouts, but there is no problem backing up 40-foot cars through a crossover made by Peco Medium turnouts.

I was just pointing out that if Justin was worried about S-curves, he could always just stick a piece of straight track between the two opposing curves.


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