Best way to glue HO automobiles to layouts?
BR60103 Wrote:Rob:
what is the surface?
At the moment, I know several glues that are stronger than the bond of paint or some scenic glues.
When I was showing a layout I just placed stuff on it, but the transportation I had wouldn't accommodate extra sutff on the surface.
On my home layout I use thin wire looped over the axle and pushed down into the scenery (scenery is foam). I'd probably use this on a portable and drill all the way through any board.
I use WS Accent Glue (or whatever it's called) for something the size of figures. This does pull paint off the pink foam.

Thanks, David. Maybe WS Accent Glue is the best way to go -- I have some of that, if it's not too old. I also have some Gorilla Glue and similar products. Also, I might try the wiring method -- wrap wire around the auto's axles and then drill a hole through the layout to anchor it.

The car is sitting on a road that I made. I placed plaster filler down on the layout, sanded it, and painted it a dark tarmac colour -- I think I used a Woodland Scenics road/paint product.

BTW, this is for a small 4x1' British shunting layout that my son & I are planning to show at The Platelayer's table at the Toronto Christmas Train show -- maybe we'll be set up right next to your table?!

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