Help with SD38-2's
Hi Ralph and Russ, thanks for the insight. I plan on having the a long "lead" that the trains will pull in on, to drop off the trains. Kinda like a receiving track. I will have the ability to hold about 20-25 cars. When the trains are ready to leave the yard, they will be doubling or tripling up out of the yard tracks - just like we do at work (but not in a steel mill setting Nope ) I never did think about trying to use a test track (GREAT IDEA BY THE WAY!) I do have a few #6 turnouts that I'll have to try (not sure if I have any #8 turnouts, but cmon, as a modeler... do I really need to have a reason to go to the hobby shop and buy stuff Icon_lol ) I couldn't agree with you more, that space does unfortunetly dictate what can and can't be done, but fortunetly, if needed, I can always move the swing bridge back further. Once again, thanks for all the advice. I'll try to see if I can't get a few pictures posted. Granted the steel mill isn't up and fully functional yet, but I can always send updates!

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