Rebuilding and digitalizing a brass gasoline rail coach
Bernhard, the small lights are designated as classification lights when on the leading end of the loco (regardless of whether it's the front or rear of the loco or railbus) and as marker lights when they're on the trailing end. Your second link covers the use of classification lights, and unless you're operating the railbus in the manners outlined, the small lights on the leading end would not be lit. Those on the trailing end would show as red (to denote the rear of the train).

If your railbus (or any locomotive, for that matter) is operating as an "extra" (unscheduled train), the leading small lights would be lit white. If the loco is part of a train running in "sections", the leading small lights would be lit green unless the loco is the final section - in that case, they would not be lit.

The simplest arrangement for your railbus (and probably most common on the prototype) would be to have the leading ones unlit, and the trailing ones lit red. This would represent a regularly-scheduled train running as a single section. Wiring would need only to switch so that the leading lights are unlit, while the trailing ones are red.


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