New Downloadable Factory Kit from Scalescenes
There's the preview function, but also the preview app, which also should ship with your mac, you can find it either in your applications folder, or a subfolder called utilities.
The same % scaling function is accessible there. You might find other apps that give you the same functions (try Pages,part of iWork, if you have it) This is because on a Mac, PDF 'decoding' is build in on operating level function (in other words, it is PART of OS X , not just a program that runs ON it), many of these functions are therefore accessible through a variety of applications.

Enjoy your Mac, you may have to 'unlearn' some of your Windows 'habbits' and tricks, but it will make a lot more sense and is much more straight forward than you imagine it to be. (Not all is rosy, but overall it's a LOT better/refined user experience, for example how often does a Windows machine tell you that something is working properly (one of those anoying balloons, 'you are now connected' , and you have to click to get rid of it in many cases) what's the use in that? Only let one know if something isn't working, not when it IS. small detail, but add them all up and you'll understand...).

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