Shamrock Ave. Ft. Worth, TX
The main problem with longer equipment occurs at the entry point of tighter radius curves due to coupler swing restrictions and ovehang issues. One option would be to use tansition radius curves or spiral easements, ie an 18" curve then use 15" radius curves for the majority of the radius and then finally ease out from the curve using another 18" radius. If there was enough room you could begin the transition using a 22" radius, then an 18" radius, 15" radius as necessary followed by 18" radis and 22" radius to ease out of the curve.
Obviously this is a lot easier to set up using sectional track rather than flex track but it can be done. There have been a number of articles in recent issues of Model Railroader Planning covering the easiest method to set out for spiral easements.
Another problem would be in the drawing of such curves unless your program allows you to lay down individual segments of track.
Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More

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