Shamrock Ave. Ft. Worth, TX
it depends as always.
I would not be that sure that cars were always placed in the right order before a local left the main yard. Just a block of cars for Shamrock Avenue could be made up in the yard; It could be up to the Shamrock local to do so on a convenient spot. Especially when shoving moves have to be done, it might even be in the rule book to make these moves as short as possible. The availability of a convenient spot might be the clue, schedules and an overloaded classification yard could be as well.
At stake is something else too, maybe it is not that bad to accept not-that-prototypical moves, if the resulting fun is rewarding. Here opinions will surely be different. A longer OP-session could be one of the designer's aims.
BTW the first plan is from Great Model Railroads 2012, the second is an old plan by a Brit who frequently attended shows with this little railroad.
Both are almost like puzzles, it is obviously what the owners wanted. My preference is for simpler plans, though not to simple. I quite like the elongated operation time.
Just my opinion,

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