No One Remembers
Guys,Let's look a little deeper into this "surprise" attack..

It always takes two to tango

Japan seen our Pacific fleet moved from San Francisco to the Hawaiian Islands,seen reinforcements sent to the Philippians,Midway and Wake..All of this could be seen as aggressive moves toward war.Then the embargoing of raw material to Japan because of Japan's invasion of Asia..Japan joins the Axis powers.Britain starts reinforcing its Pacific territories..

There is no longer any doubts...War in the Pacific was inevitable..

Even the peace talks was questionable-both sides was playing head games-questions,counter question while Japan was secretly training to attack Pearl we was slowly preparing for war...

Oddly the thought of the day by the majority of the General staff was Pearl could not be attack by air-it was to shallow for torpedoes dropped from a plane..

So,we see the "war clock" was ticking long before December 7th,1941.

Summerset Ry

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