Canadian Pacific 2-8-0 Kitbash
I made the running boards skirts from styrene this morning. It went easier than I thought. I also added the X-braces near behind the front steps according to a brass engine from United. Now, the locomotive really got the CPR look.

Before cutting any styrene, I draw the part in the right size in AutoCAD using the right styrene thickness to get everything right. Then I draw it on styrene. My model skills and precision improved a lot since I started using this template method a few years ago.

[Image: 3759038b.jpg]

[Image: 3759039b.jpg]

[Image: 3759041b.jpg]

[Image: 3759043b.jpg]

[Image: 3759044b.jpg]

[Image: 3759046b.jpg]

I bought a small pils case this morning to keep my parts for this project in order.

[Image: 3759040b.jpg]

And finally a comparison between the stock model and the kitbash... An image is worth a thousand words they say:

[Image: 3759034c.jpg]

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

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