Canadian Pacific 2-8-0 Kitbash
Great stuff Matt,

Thisis my first post so I'll introduce myself.

I'v been modelling since around 1960.
I started restoring full size steam locos when I was 15 including ex-CP N2b 3716.
She definitely had a green cab interior.

I have som CPR standard cab interior green (and some other colous) that I'm planning to get scanned for the paint mix codes.
(go to and join. When all the info is ready it will be online there)

You are quite correct when you say that the Spectrum line makes a good starting point for a number of kitbashes.

The "Russian Decapod" makes a creditable R class (I'm doing two right now) .

The N&W class J is a bit large for a CNR U4, but I laid it right on my scanner and layered it in photoshop, then imported the HO drawing and streched it to fit, so the proportions work.
This makes it easy to print templates to laminate on brass or plastic for cutting.

The sand dome on the Consolidations and the R2s should be round, so I made a mold of the dome on another engine that was about right wih children's modelling clay, and cast it in epoxy.

To fill the oval hole in the boiler jacket, I use some non-stretchy tape on the outside, well rubbed on around the hole and 5 minute epoxy on the inside, rocking it back and forth until it gels.

After the epoxy hardens, it gets a layer of epoxy saturated paper or other mesh on the inside for added strength.

When you peel off the tape you'l be amazed at how little filling and priming you need.

When I have more time I'll post some pictures.

I hope sombody finds this useful.



PS warm-white Christmas LEDs are very handy especially at clearance prices.

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