L Shaped benchwork in XTrackCad
Mike - if you follow this <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://f1.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/kBDyTkAy_ToqKaH5IBCT6C0P7g7rmnyzt9V-PpD8SfJGhb-4Vlm0-ZSUSfd-PUv54r6Q2Dx1O3fpzKXX8mdBVQ/Xtrkcad%20%20tutorials.zip">http://f1.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/kBDyTkAy_T ... orials.zip</a><!-- m --> andunzip it it will give you tutorials from the Layout Party , a now defunct website that helped a lot of people. XTrkCad is a program thatis idiosyncratic in some ways - not everything is obvious - I tell people to play with it, it won't break, and ask questions, Most find that suddenly, a switch goes "click" inside their head, and everything suddenly makes sense.
Later versions moved some of the menus around - I'm still using the old original one, simply because it does everything I want, and I'm comfortable with it.

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