L&N Industrial Rail Spur
shortliner Wrote:Not so Ed - It is interesting to see others thought processes and how their ideas can change - just you keep right on posting.Jack
Appreciate that Jack, but seriously I think the folks on here are far more interested in seeing some actual results rather than some of us constantly changing our minds and track plans.

Looking back over this thread, I've changed or modified my plan at least 14 times and for the most part, the over all plan and theme is pretty much the same. Seems ridiculous when I see other folks on here come up with one really nice plan and then within a few days are actually building it.

I'm doing some serious re-thinking about what all I'd like to include on my layout and try and figure out what it is that is keeping me from picking one plan and going with it. Am I trying to include too much in the limited space? Am I too hung up on certain industries or track arrangements and trying to find suitable destinations for all my equipment? Am I spending too much time looking for that really interesting industrial spur that will fit my bench work? Perhaps I need to re-think the entire theme of the layout? Just can't quite put my finger on what's holding me back. Even the wife is on my case to "stop planning and changing things and build something!".
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"

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