Tempest in a tea cup.

Congressmen propose a lot more laws than actually make it into the law books, and SOPA ran into serious trouble over the idea of messing with DNS records to (sorta) prevent some people (the ones to inept to get a list of ip adresses and then communicating by ip instead of hostname) from going to piracy websites to download stuff - it was criticized quite severely as a bad idea ™ by bunches of people, including your president, since it would encourage many people to use uncensored DNS servers instead of secure DNS servers. Which opens up possibilities for far more disruption than some software piracy. So the law is not likely to make it out into the wild anytime soon.

And even if it some time made it into law, the focus is on blocking access to web sites which offer massive amounts of copyrighted materials, not on impounding small web forums here and there for very minor copyright infractions by posters.

So nothing much to worry about for Big Blue.


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