Scratched Photo Etched Tender.
Here are a few shots of a scratch built tender I built to test photo etching techniques I had read about.
I had Kinkos photo copy on clear acetate the sides of a Riverossi Y6B tender to get the rivet & panel line detail . When I asked them to copy it , The clerk rather curtly told me " This aint star trek, we don't have a replicator" ! Took some convincing to get him to do what I wanted Icon_lol , but I was trying to do it without having to do a lot of art work.

One word of caution, if you are going to try photo etching , be aware that you NEED a good respirator to avoid the Zylene fumes, they are NASTY! I was only exposed to them for abour 3 minutes ( with out protection because I did not know I needed it) & got a violent headache that lasted for hours. Research on Zylene showed that it causes severe brain damage with prolonged exposure. BE Careful!!



Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!

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