My Grande Valley Railway in the "N"ormal scale
Ho, it's bigger than I ever thought. Honestly, I'm not a N guy, but I must admit I'm jealous of all this "emptiness" between your industries... It's something I'm trying to achieve while reworking the club layout, but it can compare with a well-balanced N scale layout like yours. I'm in the process of scrapping and rebuilding every industry/building clusters that are under 4 feet long and addind length to small sidings.

I know nobody that keep a layout static. It's just like the real life, you have to adjust yourself over the time, repair mistakes, improve what can be and get rid of what isn't good anymore to bring a newest idea.

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout:

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station

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