Good things come in narrow packages
I have been going back and forth in my mind about whether or not I should try to paint some clouds on the backdrop. Most of the time they don't look very convincing, and I have seen many layouts that just don't have them. At the end of the day, I figured I'd give it a try.

I used white paint and my trusty $4.99 airbrush. There was no way I was going to try and make big old puffy cottonball-like clouds (I would never be able to make them look right) I went with the more wispy/airy clouds (sorry for the lack of proper cloud was a long time ago  Goldth ).
After getting the general shape with the air brush, I took a small fan brush and kind of dabbed it here and there for highlights.
Sorry for the poor quality of the pic....the lighting is kiiling me! But that must wait  :cry:

[Image: oq77kr.jpg]

The clouds are more pronounced than the pic indicates.......I may have to do something about the lighting after all!.........LOL!

Take care

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