Wire Rounder (PLEASE HELP!!!)
There may be other places to get it locally. I'll have to let my fingers do the walking and see what I can find...IF I can't locate the MM product #. I'd rather go through them first since I'll be making an order. That is, unless they're not going to be cooperative. I have had great customer service from them in the past, however, so I don't expect any trouble. Although you'd think they could take a minute and find out if they'd ever offered one...makes me think that maybe they didn't and maybe I'm just imagining things.

Oh well.

Sorry about the hobo thread crack...no harm intended. But youz guyz do seem to talk about the weather and food an awful lot.

Go for it, TrainNut! Lemme know what you find ASAP!

Thanks again folks!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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