Bar Extension
Tyson Rayles Wrote:You have a good space to work in. The only thing I would say is that most people that I know (including me Curse ) that tried to incorporate an old layout into the new ended up going back and tearing out everything and starting over. On the helix keep in mind that the clearance between each level in N scale is so small that getting in there to do maintinance can be a major hassle.

Yes, the space is heated, lighted (although not that well yet) and dry, so good place to work in. Smile

I am worried as well about integrating the old layout into new - however I had built it to eventually interface with an extension, so I hope it works as I envision.

The helix will be at most 3 turns, double-track. I will leave the benchwork open so that I can duck underneath in the middle to deal with any issues. I've read quite a bit about the disadvantages but still think this is the best option to tie together the two levels and the old layout. We'll see how it works out in real life.

Thanks for your advice! Smile

Bar Extension - 5' x 2.5' N-scale layout plus two decks of shelf layout

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