Online hobby shop rant
nachoman Wrote:I wish there was an online hobby shop that sold everything and also had reasonable prices. Right now, I need just a few items. But, the store that has a good price on the one item does not carry the other items. And the store that carries all the items charges ten bucks more for one of the items than the other stores I have looked in. So, I either have to pay multiple shipping charges, or buy from the one store that carries all items and pay the ridiculously higher price for that one item. Curse

I've read everybody experience, I must state the complete opposite. Looks like up there in La Belle Province, good hobby shops aren't legion. The remaining one is an utter eyesore. I wish there was a real hobby shop with normal price policy in my area (I mean, prices that aren't somewhere between 200 and 300% MRSP)... Most things I get are bought online, it's cheaper (with shipping) than buying local and I have a real choice (if you aren't interested in Rapido coaches or cheap Life-Like/Model Power cars, that parody of LHS isn't your place). BTW, if you're interested you can buy a Model Power car for 29$... Obviously repackaged used, and damaged blue box Athearn cars sold as brand new (sounds illegal to me) for well over 20$. I've lost faith in hobby shops a long time ago, most I've known were run by the most despecable individuals I've ever encountered in business. They openly bitched their customers, practiced gross pricing policies and had little customer services to offer. When asked for advices, they only tried to make you feel miserable in front of others, just like if they had access to pure sapience! Ordering stuff from them was long and rarely they got everything. I've waited months for things I could have got in a matter of days online. No, I do not regret these fellows and smile everytime one goes under. I feel no compassion as they cheated me when I was a teenager and probably many more. Sorry for the rant... Though I must admit in my younger years, there was a nice hobby shop that carried a lot of stuff and was decent. However, Internet back in 1996 really sparked my passion again when I was browsing manufacturer's websites.

Matt... strangely out of himself! Big Grin
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