Does this make me a FAILURE ?
Argh.....another "delicate subject" with me .

Friends and aquaintances look at me a little strangely ( well some of them Big Grin ) when they realize I don't have a cell phone .....ALMOST did back when the blueberry or blackberry ( whatever ) came out because it was CANADIAN ! Yippee .
I noticed the guys at work proudly displaying them in those little carrying cases on their belts . They " only used them in emergencies " which tended to be a call from home asking them to pick up a quart of milk .

I dunno , the desk phone did all I wanted it to do for decades . I would cringe when I heard the others tell a customer " you can reach me anytime of day with my cell number !" ....I'm thinkin' , why the hell would I want some guy phoning me " any time of day " ?....I'd rather the customer phone during business hours . To each his own , I guess ......if they like/need/gotta have/can't exist without a cell phone , fine .......I don't .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.

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