Design and Operations of a Modern Layout
I'm curious to hear others experience in designing and operating a modern layout, I'll define that as anything that's been around in the last twenty years, though I know it goes further back than that. A modern ultra long Class One RR hauls many items and of course due to limitations in layout space, I (you) can only do so much, space is limited so only some items of a long train can be switched in and out at a yard or local business or industry.

In my own circumstance I have two functional decks, I have a grainery for over seas shipping, a large coal dump area for shipping over seas, some limited passenger trains, and a container area for shipping over seas. The upper deck will collect trains from eastern Canada and receive trains from the States - roughly around Emerson Manitoba area.

So I will be able to switch some cars in and out, many at a time as most will be wheat cars, coal cars, container cars and can easily be switch out in multiple units. But what do you do with the rest of the cars, cars that aren't reflected in the industries I have? What do you do?

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