Computer program to print a control panel plan?
Due to the 'height' of the plan, I decided to 'cut off' the lower right side so that it cam be moved to the open area under the hump yard left of where it is now (if that makes sense).
The 'panel' will extend a couple of inches above the table, but will be limited since the 'hump' is directly behind it. I kinda screwed up here. Nope

Frankly, while I appreciate all the suggestions, I'm not graphic artist so a software program isn't going to happen.

I re-thought about doing this and decided to revert back to graphic tape like I did before. I have the plan to the size I want the panel. I will use 1/8" white and a sheet of 1/8" clear above that for the panel. Place the plan under the white sheet, shin a light up under it and lay the tape above the shadows from the paper plan below (assuming I can see those lines ok).

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