Shipping to others
I like the idea and i touched base with this a while back. Anyhow as i read some of the posts and skimed some i agree shipping costs and chance of damage to the car and what not. So heres my go at it.... how about the following parties that are willing to do this freight exchange with other roads go about it like this (just a thought and adjust or comment as needed) talk with the shipping road and get a car of the same type and number. Then once it is set should flow something like this i talked to lester about 2 loads of coal needed for my powerplant he agrees to ship 2 90 ton hoppers to my railroad via inter change track. He says C&O 90 ton hopper 345321 and B&O hopper 455798 will be shipped out and will take 2 days to arive to my inter change track. Here is up to the owner wheather or not to remove said cars from service untill they return to his road. For me i would have to wait the x days or x hrs for the cars to arive. Once they arrive i take them into my acct and ship them to the customer and once MT i nottify lester that cars have been MTD and are enroute and will take 3 days to arrive. I now take them cars out of service. It can work with mulltiple people and roads as it will give us people who say well i must have them freight cars that are union pacific or conrail ( you get the idea) so then youd have other roads you may have the trouble over choosing. As for other intrest i Could state the B&O car 455798 has a deffect and needs his attention or i will hold car over far an extra day as it needs a major repair. Not only that it creates traffic but you get a demaned for the cars out of the blue for what ever the road ships. Its endless if you want to go proto with the ideas lol let me know what you think.
Harry Check out my blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

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