L&N Industrial Rail Spur
Okay - I'm hung up! Curse Been testing out the track configuration this afternoon and already see two possible changes to the original plan and of course can't make up my mind which way to go. 35 Here is an image that shows the variations I have in mind     I modified the plan to include a simulated connection to the "main line" and have an obvious entrance to the transload track with a drive leading to it, an office and truck scale.

The track is currently laid out as shown in Version 1, but I haven't tried out a test operating session thus far, since I can't decide if I want to make one of these possible changes:

Version 2: Separate spurs to industries C and D.

Version 3: Two long spurs (like an extended Palmetto Spur) with two industries on each spur - B, C and D, E. - OR - Just two large structures on each track.

I'm sort of wondering to myself if I'd be trying to include too many industries on a spur this length with Version 3 and also if I'd have to compress some of the structures too much. Not to mention that I still haven't decided on exactly which of my proposed industries to include!

Some of the proposed industries would be: Storage/Distribution Warehouse, Candy Plant or Bakery, Cooking Oils Distributor, Soft Drink Bottler, Meat or Produce Distributor, Beverage Distributor and of course the Transload Facility that would handle lumber and feed and/or fertilizer for off-line customers.

Your thoughts?
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