doctorwayne's New Years Resolution Challenge...
MasonJar Wrote:
Quote:Re: doctorwayne's New Years Resolution Challenge...

Post by doctorwayne on Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:38 am

Photos, if I have time, tomorrow.

It is tomorrow... according to the time on your post! Wink Big Grin


No, that was yesterday. Icon_lol Since it is now tomorrow, I finally have a photo. Misngth

[Image: NewYearsChallengePhotos238.jpg]

The other five cars have had their original roofs removed, but have not yet been sanded. Sanding the new roofs is the most difficult part of this operation, as there's very little to hold as the roof is slid over the sandpaper. Curse
Once all the new roofs are installed, the next step is removing the ends and replacing them with the Tichy parts.


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