Yard as a Layout
Paul,You wasn't the one I had in mind..Another fella on a N Scale forum said it would be impossible to do that layout in a 1'x10' area in N..

I think that N Scale layout worked out be be around 14' in HO.My son and I laid the HO version out on his garage floor. 357 It was 16" x 14'.I laid out a chopped down venison of that layout on my 1'x10 board.

Then I worked my magic and came up with two workable HO plans for my board.

That's the hold up- N Scale with better operation and lots of industrial scenery or HO with limited operation and scenery.
Anyway,I'm a firm believer less is better then wall to wall track especially on 30" wide layouts.

I also like to see modelers think outside of the layout design book by looking at the way the prototype does things-its always with rhyme and reason even though at first glance it may appear haphazard...

I have studied the rationalization of the railroad plant for years and some times I think its a curse more then a modeling aid but,there was lessons learned.

Of course 9 1/2 years as a brakeman taught me many valuable lessons in operation, industrial track and outlaying yard designs.

That's one reason it took me a long time to design a modern (1996) workable and fully believable ISL.

I could have rush through the process and had a layout up and running months ago but,lessons learned from my previous ISL taught me those rushed layouts lasted less then a year before they was ripped out and rebuilt.

I decided at my age this one better last for several years because I won't be building another-its time to enjoy my investment in cars and locomotives while I can.

Summerset Ry

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